Do you want to record webcam video of video chat done through Yahoo Messenger? EatCam Webcam recorder software makes this process real easy and allows you to record video chat webcam videos also from MSN, ICQ, and AIM. You can save the output in AVI, FLV, WMV video format and play recorded videos anytime you like.Besides the video, it also records audio stream giving complete video experience. Audio can be recorded from any source including: microphone, line-in or speakers. Free edition has few limitation but works well recording video from any one messenger client among Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, MSN.
Blog Archive
- How to Save Yahoo Messenger Webcam Video
- Make Firefox More Faster 300% Working
- How To Delete An “Undeletable”
- Speed Up Your Net By 20%
- How to Create an Invisible Folder in Windows XP
- About Yahoo Messenger Viruses
- How To Become The SYSTEM User In Windows XP
- Add Image to Folder Background in WinXP
- Disable USB Storage Devices In Your Desktop And Ge...
- Atlantis: Where is the Lost Continent?
- How to Compile C Programs
- How to Compile C Programs
- How to Test the Working of your Antivirus – EICAR ...
- How to Trace Any IP Address
- How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router
- Theories About Atlantis
- How to Save Bookmarks in IE, Firefox, Chrome and O...
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- How to use Keyloggers – Detailed Tutorial and FAQs
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
How to Save Yahoo Messenger Webcam Video

Make Firefox More Faster 300% Working

Step_1: Open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar where you normally type a web address.
Step_2: Then click the button: “I’ll be careful, I promise”.
Step_3: In the filter bar below the address bar type network.http.
Step_4: Double-click on “network.http.pipelining” to change the setting from false to true.
Step_5: Double-click on “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to change the value from false to true.
Step_6: Double-click on “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” and change the number to “30″. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
(Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.)
Step_7: Several lines above network.http.proxy.pipelining you’ll see
“network.http.max-persistant-connections-per-proxy” and
Double-click each line and change the value to “8″.
Step_8: Two lines up locate and double-click on “network.http.max-connections” and set the value to “48″.
Step_9: Now right-click (control-click on a Mac) anywhere in the configuration (the area where you’ve been making the changes). Select “New” then “Integer”.
Step_10: When prompted, copy and paste or type the following into the field provided: nglayout.initialpaint.delay.
Step_11: When prompted to add a value, enter the number “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
Step_12: Close all windows and tabs. The changes will take effect when you restart Firefox.
These changes allow Firefox to make multiple server connections and will speed up page downloads for better, more efficient use of your broadband connection. If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages MUCH faster now!
How To Delete An “Undeletable”

Delete An “undeletable” File
Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.
Or you can try this
Open Notepad.exe
Click File>Save As..>
locate the folder where ur undeletable file is
Choose ‘All files’ from the file type box
click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the ‘filename’ box
put a ” at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)
click save,
It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal
Speed Up Your Net By 20%

Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc
You can get it back:
Click Start then Run and type “gpedit.msc” without quotes.This opens the group policy editor. Then go to:
Local Computer Policy >
Computer Configuration >
Administrative Templates >
Network >
QOS Packet Scheduler >
then to Limit Reservable Bandwidth
Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth. It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the ‘Explain’ tab i.e.”By default,the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default.”
So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO.
This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%. It works on Win 2000 as well.
How to Create an Invisible Folder in Windows XP

You Can Make Any Folder Invisible Without Using Any Software Or Program Just Follow These Steps:
1. Right click where ever you want the invisible folder to be and select create a new folder.
2 Right Click on the folder and hit rename. Erase the name of the folder so there is nothing there.
3. If you try to stop here windows will tell you that you need to provide a name. So to get around this with the name field still active hold down ALT and press 0160 on the number pad (make sure Num Lock is on), release alt
You should now have a blank name with nothing but a folder next to it
4. Now click on the nameless folder and right click. Select Properties.
5. Go to the Customize tab.
6. Find and press the Change Icon button. Scroll through the icons until you find one that has no image.
7. Hit OK and you have an invisible folder!
With the invisible folder you can hide what ever undesirables you have. Be it video games at work, pictures of your family or anything else you can think of “wink”.
The folder will show up for a brief second if you put it on your desktop. For that reason it might be smart to place it inside a folder or amongst a group of folders.
About Yahoo Messenger Viruses

The first time I encountered this problem was two weeks ago. I was using my PC when an instant message from my niece suddenly popped up. To my surprise, the message with some clickable link in it was written in Thai! Right there, I knew it didn’t come from my niece. Ignoring the message, I closed the YM window. After a few minutes, another message popped up. Then followed by another, and another, and another… Annoyed, I removed my niece from my YM’s contact list.
After a week, I received a similar instant message from my sister-in-law. This time, the message was an invitation to view some photos in some website by clicking the provided link. Since there was no other note included, I suspected that the message was not from her. My suspicion was confirmed when after a few seconds, another message was sent. Hmm, another compromised messenger account, I thought. I sent a message back and advised her to change her messenger password ASAP.
I initially thought that this was some kind of an instant messaging spam. After running a search in Google, I realized that it is even worse. There seems to be two forms of attack, one is an actual virus/worm that spreads via instant messaging and the other is a phishing attack launched against YM users. For the latter, the attack usually starts with an instant message from the user’s contact list. The message usually includes a link to a Yahoo-looking site requiring visitors to login and thus revealing their yahoo id and password. The phisher then uses this information to trick other YM users in the contact list of the compromised account. Worse, the phisher also gains access to all personal information in the user’s other Yahoo accounts such as emails, photos, groups, etc.
The virus/worm version is reported to take control of your messenger, and send messages with website links to your contact list without your knowledge. When the link is clicked, the virus downloads a copy of itself to the user’s PC, disables the registry editor and task manager, hijacks Internet Explorer homepage, and leads users to sites that automatically install malicious softwares on their PCs. Moreover, there seems to be several variants of this virus/worm out there: Yh032.explr, w32.KMeth, Worm_Sohanad.B, etc.
Y! Messenger viruses take advantage of the program’s vulnerabilities that come with Java script and VBS. You can be infected simply by clicking a link to a picture (.JPG). When the page presenting that picture loads, java scripting run’s a VBS (visual basic script – works on any Windows machine) that rewrites data on your harddisk. After you get infected, the virus starts sending mass messages to all contacts in your list asking them to follow a link, like in the example bellow. The messages vary, being generated randomly from different keywords from the virus’s database.
If you are already infected, the easiest way to remove the virus/worm is to use system restore if you are using Windows XP. See Microsoft Help for details. Be sure to choose a restore point before you got the virus/worm and then scan your system for any signs of the virus/worm after the restore. Update your PC regularly and use an up-to-date antivirus program. If this doesn’t work, you can try to do the next steps:
1: Close the IE browser. Log out messenger / Remove Internet Cable.
2: To enable Regedit
Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste)
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
3: To enable task manager : (To kill the process we need to enable task manager)
Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste)
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
4: Now we need to change the default page of IE though regedit.
From the below locations in Regedit chage your default home page to or other.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Just replace the attacker site with or set it to blank page.
5: Now we need to kill the process from back end. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
Kill the process svhost32.exe . ( may be more than one process is running.. check properly)
6: Delete svhost32.exe , svhost.exe files from Windows/ & temp/ directories. Or just search for svhost in your comp.. delete those files.
7: Go to regedit search for svhost and delete all the results you get.
Start menu > Run > Regedit >
8: Restart the computer. That’s it now you are virus free.
I don’t know whether any removal patch that works for such Trojans/viruses. But we can easily delete them manually.
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010
How To Become The SYSTEM User In Windows XP

If you think Administrator has the largest privileges onto the computer, then you are wrong. There is a user who is named SYSTEM. SYSTEM has full control of the operating system and it’s kernel. If you open windows task manager (press ctrl+alt and delete) you will see that System User controls several processes. These processes cannot be closed by Administrator. In this tutorial we will see how to trick Windows into running our desktop as System. So we’ll get a much greater privileges over computer.
1.Open Command Prompt. Go to Start , then Run. In Run option type cmd and click OK. After this will open Command Prompt, or Start->All Programs ->Accessories->Command Prompt
2. In Command Prompt write at 13:55 /interactive “cmd.exe” and press enter , the time is usually a minute or two ahead of your present time in the 24 hours format.
After a minute or two will appear new Comand Prompt Window wit different title bar. It has changed from cmd.exe to svchost.exe.
3. End current explorer.exe process. Open Task Manager, select explorer.exe and click End Process.
4. In new Comand Prompt with title svchost.exe write cd.. and press enter , then write explorer.exe and press enter.
After this you will become SYSTEM user,
Add Image to Folder Background in WinXP

In this tutorial , we will see how to add an image to the background of any folder.It looks like this:
1) Create New Folder; right click on Desktop, then New folder… or just open a folder in which you wish to add the background image
2) Copy this code in notepad
It looks like this:
3)Save the notepad file in folder for which you wish to add background image, as
shown below
4)After this select folder, right click on that folder, click properties
and select Customize tab, then click on
change icon, here choose any icon.After this the background image will appear...
Disable USB Storage Devices In Your Desktop And Get Secured

Have your personal information ever been copied or pirated? It might be your years of project or your secret video; you’ll obviously feel not well when you know that it has been copied by someone by accessing your computer. Most of the files are copied to removable storage media like USB drives.
Today in this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can make USB storage devices totally useless without your permission.
You won’t need any special utility or software, just a tweak in Registry editor is enough to enable or disable the USB drive.
To block all the storage device in your Windows, run registry editor by typing regedit in RUN command.
In the registry editor, at left side navigation pane, navigate to following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > USBSTOR
Now at the right side double click on Start.
To block USB storage Medias, change the value data to 4.
If you want to unblock USB storage Medias just navigate to the same location and change th value data to 3.
If you don’t want to bother tweaking registry then I’ve made a simple program to Block and Unblock USB device.
You can download it from here.
Download both of them and open it to toggle between Block and Unblock USB storage media.
You can hide it in desktop or anywhere favorable to you.
Next time I’ll be posting a tutorial about disabling copy and paste. So, don’t forget to bookmark us.
Hope this tutorial was helpful.
Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010
Atlantis: Where is the Lost Continent?

The legend of the lost civilization of Atlantis comes to us primarily from an account recorded by Plato, the great Greek philosopher and author, around 370 B.C.E. He described it as a beautiful continent-sized island that existed somewhere to the west of the Mediterranean, by most interpretations. It was a peaceful land, prosperous from its flourishing commerce, highly advanced in knowledge and technology, and powerful in its governmental influence. After many years of prosperity, however, the gods looked unfavorably upon the island nation because of its arrogant rulers and complacent citizenry, and they condemned it. In just one dreadful day and night, Plato tells us, Atlantis was completely destroyed by catastrophic flooding and disappeared beneath the sea.
Plato's description of the exact location of Atlantis is vague at best, giving us only its general direction. People have been searching for it ever since.
The idea that such a marvelous lost world may have once existed - and about which we know so little and have even less evidence - is compelling. People have devoted their lives to studying, researching and hunting for Atlantis. A lucrative cottage industry has grown around the legend, producing countless books, articles, websites and movies - all speculating on the true fate of the doomed land.
Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where was it and can we find evidence of the once-great civilization today? Not surprisingly, there are many theories as to the precise location of Atlantis. Whenever underwater ruins of any kind are found, it seems, someone tries to link them to Atlantis.
Here are some of the more popular theories, plus the latest information on a recent remarkable discovery that just might shed light on the legend of Atlantis.
Many historians and mainstream scholars consider the story of Atlantis just that - a story. This point of view is explained in an article entitled "Atlantis, Again" on N.S. Gill's Ancient/Classical History section of "Given Plato's concern for good government and an ideal image of Athens of old," writes the article's author, Aulus, "it is very clear that this is a parable regarding the need for virtuous government and rulers. Of the few other ancient mentions of Atlantis, all are but commentaries on Plato's tale... We all would like to think that somewhere, some time there was or is or will be a nice utopia. Unfortunately, that's all Atlantis ever was, a tale of utopia."
The West Indies or Bahamas
The Bahamas is an independent state in the long string of beautiful islands known as the West Indies just east of Florida. This area is favored by many as the last remnants of Atlantis primarily due to a 1932 "reading" by Edgar Cayce, the famous "Sleeping Prophet." In this reading, Cayce said that evidence for Atlantis could be found as far east as the Pyrenees and Morocco and as far west as the Yucatan, in Mexico. The Bahamas, however, might be the best place to look:
There are some protruding portions... that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.
One of the most often-cited "proofs" of the accuracy of Cayce's prediction was the discovery in 1969 of enigmatic stone formations beneath the ocean at Bimini in the Bahamas. Although skeptics claim that the geometric, adjoined stone slabs are completely natural formations, believers suspect that the stones were once part of a great Atlantean roadway or temple.
Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle Crystal relates one incredible story about a discovery made by Dr. Ray Brown in 1970 while scuba diving near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas. Brown claims that he came upon a pyramid-like structure with a smooth, mirror-like stone finish. Swimming inside, he found the interior to be completely free of coral and algae, and was illuminated by some unknown light source. In the center was a sculpture of human hands holding a four-inch crystal sphere, above which was suspended a red gem at the end of a brass rod. Brown says he took the crystal, which allegedly has strange, mystical powers. "People have felt breezes or winds blowing close to it," the article says. "Both cold and warm layers surround it at various distances. Other witnesses have observed phantom lights, heard voices or felt strange tingling sensations surrounding it." Brown's story, of course, has yet to be corroborated or verified.
How to Compile C Programs

In many of my previous posts especially in the VIRUS CREATION section, I have used C as the programming language. If you’re new to C programming and find it difficult to compile the C source codes then this post is for you. Here is a step-by-step procedure to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 and compile C programs.
How to install Borland C++ compiler
1. Download Borland C++ compiler 5.5 (for Windows platform) from the following link.
2. After you download, run freecommandlinetools.exe. The default installation path would be
How to configure Borland C++ compiler
1. After you install Borland C++ compier, create two new Text Documents
2. Open the first New Text Document.txt file and add the following two lines into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txt to bcc32.cfg.
3. Open the second New Text Document (2).txt file and add the following line into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document (2).txt to ilink32.cfg.
4. Now copy the two files bcc32.cfg and ilink32.cfg, navigate to C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin and paste them.
How to compile the C source code (.C files)
1. You need to place the .C (example.c) file to be compiled in the following location
2. Now goto command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)
3. Make the following path as the present working directory (use CD command)
4. To compile the file (example.c) use the following command
5. Now if there exists no error in the source code you’ll get an executable file (example.exe) in the same location (C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin).
6. Now you have successfully compiled the source code into an executable file(.exe file).
How to Compile C Programs

In many of my previous posts especially in the VIRUS CREATION section, I have used C as the programming language. If you’re new to C programming and find it difficult to compile the C source codes then this post is for you. Here is a step-by-step procedure to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 and compile C programs.
How to install Borland C++ compiler
1. Download Borland C++ compiler 5.5 (for Windows platform) from the following link.
2. After you download, run freecommandlinetools.exe. The default installation path would be
How to configure Borland C++ compiler
1. After you install Borland C++ compier, create two new Text Documents
2. Open the first New Text Document.txt file and add the following two lines into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txt to bcc32.cfg.
3. Open the second New Text Document (2).txt file and add the following line into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document (2).txt to ilink32.cfg.
4. Now copy the two files bcc32.cfg and ilink32.cfg, navigate to C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin and paste them.
How to compile the C source code (.C files)
1. You need to place the .C (example.c) file to be compiled in the following location
2. Now goto command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)
3. Make the following path as the present working directory (use CD command)
4. To compile the file (example.c) use the following command
5. Now if there exists no error in the source code you’ll get an executable file (example.exe) in the same location (C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin).
6. Now you have successfully compiled the source code into an executable file(.exe file).
How to Test the Working of your Antivirus – EICAR Test

Have you ever wondered how to test your Antivirus software to ensure it’s proper working? Well here is a quick and easy way to test your antivirus. The process is called EICAR test which will work on any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research. This process can be used by people, companies and antivirus programmers to test the proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware software without having to deal with the real computer virus which can cause damage to the computer. Here is a step-by-step procedure to test your antivirus.
1. Open a notepad (New Text Document.TXT) and copy the following code exactly onto it, and save the notepad.
2. Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to
3. Now run the antivirus scan on this file.
If the antivirus is functioning properly on your computer, then it should generate a warning and immediately delete the file upon scanning. Otherwise you may have to re-install your antivirus.
You can also place the file in a ZIP or RAR file and run a scan on it so as to ensure whether your antivirus can detect the test string in the compressed archive. Any antivirus when scanning this file will respond exactly as it will do for a genuine virus/malicious code. This test will cause no damage to your computer even though the antivirus will flag it as a malicious script. Hence it is the safest method to test the proper functioning of any antivirus.
How to Trace Any IP Address

In my earlier post I had discussed about how to capture the IP address of a remote computer. Once you obtain this IP address it is necessary to trace it back to it’s source. So in this post I will show you how to trace any IP address back to it’s source. In fact tracing an IP address is very simple and easy than we think. There exists many websites through which you can trace any IP address back to it’s source. One of my favorite site is
Just go to and enter the IP address that you want to trace in the dialog box and click on “Find Location”‘. With just a click of a button you can find the following information for any given IP address.
1. Country in which the IP is located
2. Region
3. City
4. Latitude/Longitude
5. Zip Code
6. Time Zone
7. Name of the ISP
8. Internet Speed
9. Weather Station
10. Area Code and
11. Domain name associated with the IP address.
A sample snapshot of the results from is given below
You can also visually trace route any IP address back to it’s location. For this just visit and enter the IP you want to trace in the dialog box and hit the “Proxy Trace” button. Wait for few seconds and the visual trace route tool displays the path Internet packets traverse to reach a specified destination. Hope this helps. Please pass you comments.
How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router

Almost half of the Internet users across the globe use ADSL routers/modems to connect to the Internet however, most of them are unaware of the fact that it has a serious vulnerability which can easily be exploited even by a noob hacker just like you. In this post I will show you how to exploit a common vulnerability that lies in most ADSL routers so as to gain complete access to the router settings and ISP login details.
Every router comes with a username and password using which it is possible to gain access to the router settings and configure the device. The vulnerability actually lies in the Default username and password that comes with the factory settings. Usually the routers come preconfigured from the Internet Service provider and hence the users do not bother to change the password later. This makes it possible for the attackers to gain unauthorized access and modify the router settings using a common set of default usernames and passwords. Here is how you can do it.
Before you proceed, you need the following tool in the process
Here is a detailed information on how to exploit the vulnerability of an ADSL router.
Step-1: Go to Once the page is loaded you will find your IP address. Note it down.
Step-2: Open Angry IP Scanner, here you will see an option called IP Range: where you need to enter the range of IP address to scan for.
Step-3: Go to Tools->Preferences and select the Ports tab. Under Port selection enter 80 (we need to scan for port 80). Now switch to the Display tab, select the option “Hosts with open ports only” and click on OK.
Step-4: Now click on Start. After a few minutes, the IP scanner will show a list of IPs with Port 80 open as shown in the below image.
Step-5: Now copy any of the IP from the list, paste it in your browser’s address bar and hit enter. A window will popup asking for username and password. Since most users do not change the passwords, it should most likely work with the default username and password. For most routers the default username-password pair will be admin-admin or admin-password.
Just enter the username-password as specified above and hit enter. If you are lucky you should gain access to the router settings page where you can modify any of the router settings. The settings page can vary from router to router. A sample router settings page is shown below.
If you do not succeed to gain access, select another IP from the list and repeat the step-5. Atleast 1 out of 5 IPs will have a default password and hence you will surely be able to gain access.
What can an Attacker do by Gaining Access to the Router Settings?
By gaining access to the router settings, it is possible for an attacker to modify any of the router settings which results in the malfunction of the router. As a result the target user’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet. In the worst case the attacker can copy the ISP login details from the router to steal the Internet connection or play any kind of prank with the router settings. So the victim has to reconfigure the router in order to bring it back to action.
The Verdict:
If you are using an ADSL router to connect to the Internet, it is highly recommended that you immediately change your password to prevent any such attacks in the future. Who knows, you may be the next victim of such an attack.
Since the configuration varies from router to router, you need to contact your ISP for details on how to change the password for your model.
All the information provided in this post are for educational purposes only. Please do not use this information for illegal purposes.
Theories About Atlantis

The greek philosopher, Plato, brought to the world, the story of the lost continent of Atlantis. His story began to unfold for him around 355 B.C. He wrote about this land called Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 370 B.C. Plato stated that the continent lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years previous.
with a palace in the center 'bull's eye'.
The Capitol of Atlantis
Timaeus begins with an introduction, followed by an account of the creations and structure of the universe and ancient civilizations. In the introduction, Socrates muses on the perfect society (as described in Plato's Republic) and wonders if he and his guests could come up with a story which puts this society into action. Critias mentions an allegedly historical tale that he would make the perfect example, and follows up by describing Atlantis in the Critias. In his account, ancient Athens represents the "perfect society," and Atlantis, its opponent, represents the opposite of the "perfect" traits described in the Republic. Critias claims that his account of ancient Athens and Atlantis stems from a visit to Egypt by the Athenian lawgiver Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met Sonchis, a priest of Thebes, who translated the history of ancient Athens and Atlantis, recorded on pillars in Egyptian hieroglyphs, into Greek.
According to Critias, the Hellenic gods of old divided the land so that each god might own a lot; Poseidon was appropriately, and to his liking, bequeathed the island of Atlantis. The island was larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined, but has since been sunk by an earthquake and became an impassable mud shoal, inhibiting travel between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Egyptians described Atlantis as an island approximately 700 km across, comprising mostly mountains in the northern portions and along the shore, and encompassing a great plain of an oblong shape in the south "extending in one direction three thousand stadia [about 600 km], but across the center inland it was two thousand stadia [about 400 km]."
Fifty stadia inland from the middle of the southern coast was a "mountain not very high on any side." Here lived a native woman with whom Poseidon fell in love and who bore him five pairs of male twins.
The eldest of these, Atlas, was made rightful king of the entire island and the ocean (now the Atlantic Ocean), and was given the mountain of his birth and the surrounding area as his fiefdom. Atlas's twin Gadeirus or Eumelus in Greek, was given the easternmost portion of the island which also lay at its northern extreme facing Gades, a town in southern Spain.
The other four pairs of twins - Ampheres and Evaemon, Mneseus and Autochthon, Elasippus and Mestor, and Azaes (possibly the Azores) and Diaprepes - "were the inhabitants and rulers of divers islands in the open sea."
Poseidon carved the inland mountain where his love dwelt into a palace and enclosed it with three circular moats of increasing width, varying from one to three stadia and separated by rings of land proportional in size. The Atlanteans then built bridges northward from the mountain, making a route to the rest of the island. They dug a great canal to the sea, and alongside the bridges carved tunnels into the rings of rock so that ships could pass into the city around the mountain; they carved docks from the rock walls of the moats. Every passage to the city was guarded by gates and towers, and a wall surrounded each of the city's rings. The walls were constructed of red, white and black rock quarried from the moats, and were covered with brass, tin and orichalcum, respectively.
According to Critias, 9,000 years before his lifetime, a war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercules and those who dwelt within them.
The Atlanteans had conquered the Mediterranean as far east as Egypt and the continent into Tyrrhenia, and subjected its people to slavery. The Athenians led an alliance of resistors against the Atlantean empire and as the alliance disintegrated, prevailed alone against the empire, liberating the occupied lands. "But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea." Plato claimed it was somewhere outside the Pillars of Hercules, now known as the Strait of Gibraltar.
Modern scholars generally regard Plato's description of Atlantis as an invention, though its kernel may have been formed from hazy memories of historical events such as the Thera eruption. However, in antiquity, there were a few philosophers, geographers, and historians who believed that Atlantis was real.
For instance, the philosopher Crantor, a student of Plato's student Xenocrates, tried to find proof of Atlantis' existence. For his opinions we are dependent on Proclus' commentary on the Timaeus, written in the 5th century AD. Proclus reports that Crantor said he had travelled to Egypt and seen the same columns on which Plato had seen the history of Atlantis, written in hieroglyphic characters.
Plato's account of Atlantis may have also inspired parodic imitation: writing only a few decades after the Timaeus and Critias, the historian Theopompus of Chios wrote of a land beyond the ocean known as "Meropis." This description was included in Book 8 of his voluminous Philippica, which contains a dialogue between King Midas and Silenus, a companion of Dionysus. Silenus describes the Meropids, a race of men who grow to twice normal size, and inhabit two cities on the island of Meropis: Eusebes ("Pious-town") and "Machimos" ("Fighting-town"). Hans-Gknther Nesselrath has argued that these and other details of Silenus' story are meant as imitation and exaggeration of the Atlantis story, for the purpose of exposing Plato's ideas to ridicule.
Zoticus, a Neoplatonist philosopher of the 3rd century AD, wrote an epic poem based on Plato's account of Atlantis.
The 4th century AD historian Ammianus Marcellinus, relying on a lost work by Timagenes, a historian writing in the 1st century BC, writes that the Druids of Gaul said that part of the inhabitants of Gaul had migrated there from distant islands. Ammianus' testimony has been understood by some as a claim that when Atlantis sunk into the sea, its inhabitants fled to western Europe; but Ammianus in fact says that the Drasidae (Druids) recall that a part of the population is indigenous but others also migrated in from islands and lands beyond the Rhine" (Res Gestae 15.9), an indication that the immigrants came to Gaul from the north and east, not from the Atlantic Ocean.
Another passage from Proclus' 5th century AD commentary on the Timaeus gives a description of the geography of Atlantis: "That an island of such nature and size once existed is evident from what is said by certain authors who investigated the things around the outer sea. For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and another one between them to Poseidon, the extent of which was a thousand stadia; and the inhabitants of it they add preserved the remembrance from their ancestors of the immeasurably large island of Atlantis which had really existed there and which for many ages had reigned over all islands in the Atlantic sea and which itself had like-wise been sacred to Poseidon. Now these things Marcellus has written in his Aethiopica".
However, Heinz Gunther Nesselrath argues that this Marcellus, who is otherwise unknown, is probably not a historian but a novelist.
An important Greek festival of Pallas Athene, the Panathenaea was dated from the days of king Theseus. It consisted of a solemn procession to the Acropolis in which a peplos was carried to the goddess, for she had once saved the city, gaining victory over the nation of Poseidon, that is, the Atlanteans. As Lewis Spence comments, this cult was in existence already 125 years before Plato, which means that the story could not be invented by him.
The historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that "the intelligentsia of Alexandria considered the destruction of Atlantis a historical fact, described a class of earthquakes that suddenly, by a violent motion, opened up huge mouths and so swallowed up portions of the earth, as once in the Atlantic Ocean a large island was swallowed up. Diodorus Siculus recorded that the Atlanteans did not know the fruits of Ceres. In fact, Old World cereals were unknown to American Indians. Pausanias called this island "Satyrides," referring to the Atlantes and those who profess to know the measurements of the earth.
He states that far west of the Ocean there lies a group of islands whose inhabitants are red-skinned and whose hair is like that of the horse. (Christopher Columbus described the Indians similarly.) A fragmentary work of Theophrastus of Lesbos tells about the colonies of Atlantis in the sea. Hesiod wrote that the garden of the Hesperides was on an island in the sea where the sun sets.
Pliny the Elder recorded that this land was 12,000 km distant from Cadiz, and Uba, a Numidian king intended to establish a stock farm of purple Murex there. Diodorus Siculus declares that the ancient Phoenicians and Etruscans knew of an enormous island outside the Pillars of Heracles. He describes it as the climate is very mild, fruits and vegetables grow ripe throughout the year. There are huge mountains covered with large forests, and wide, irrigable plains with navigable rivers. Scylax of Caryanda gives similar account.
Marcellus claims that the survivors of the sinking Atlantis migrated to Western Europe. Timagenes tells almost the same, citing the Druids of Gaul as his sources. He tries to classify the Gallic tribes according to their origins and tells of one of these claiming that they were colonists who came there from a remote island.
Theopompus of Chios, a Greek historian called this land beyond the ocean as "Meropis". The dialogue between King Midas and the wise Silenus mentions the Meropids, the first men with huge cities of gold and silver. Silenus knows that besides the well-known portions of the world there is another, unknown, of incredible immensity, where immeasurably vast blooming meadows and pastures feed herds of various, huge and mighty beasts. Claudius Aelianus cites Theopompus, knowing of the existence of the huge island out in the Atlantic as a continuing tradition among the Phoenicians or Carthaginians of Cadiz.
Perhaps the Byzantine friar Cosmas Indicopleustes understood Plato better than the ancient and modern "Aristotelians", says Merezhkovsky.
In his Topographia Christiana he included a chart of the (flat) world: it showed an inner continent, a compact mainland surrounded by sea, and this was surrounded by an outer ring-shaped continent, with the inscription, "The earth beyond the Ocean, where men lived before the Flood." The Garden of Eden is placed in the eastern end of this continent.
Edgar Cayce first mentioned Atlantis in a life reading given in 1923, and later gave its geographical location as the Caribbean, and proposed that Atlantis was an ancient, now-submerged, highly-evolved civilization which had ships and aircraft powered by a mysterious form of energy crystal. He also predicted that parts of Atlantis would rise in 1969. The Bimini Road, a submarine geological formation just off North Bimini Island, discovered in 1968, has been claimed by some to be evidence of the lost civilization (among many other things) and is still being explored today.
Before the time of Eratosthenes about 250 BC, ancient Greek writers located the Pillars of Hercules on the Strait of Sicily. This changed with Alexander the Great's eastward expansion and the Pillars were moved by Eratosthenes to Gibraltar. This evidence has been cited in some Atlantis theories, notably in Sergio Frau's work.
Thule, in the Greek and Roman mythologies, is a place, usually an island, in the far north, perhaps Scandinavia. It was first mentioned by the Greek geographer and explorer Pytheas of Massalia (present-day Marseille) in the 4th century BC. Pytheas claimed that Thule was six days north of Britain, and that the midsummer sun never set there. Thule is sometimes seen to have some commonality with Atlantis.
As continental drift became better understood and accepted during the 1950s, most "Lost Continent" theories of Atlantis were shown to be impossible. In response, some recent theories propose that elements of Plato's story were derived from earlier myths.
Atlantis existed almost 250,000 years from its first age to its final days, the last of its islands going beneath the seas around 9,000 years ago. This means that if you reincarnated into the Earth realms during the past quarter million years, the odds are high that you lived in Atlantis for one or more lifetimes. Since the culture of Atlantis existed through nearly 10 grand cycles of the precession of the equinoxes, you may have spent literally hundreds of lives in Atlantis or its colonizes.
Cycles repeat, and the same stellar energies that governed the last days of Atlantis have come full cycle again. Atlantean souls began returning to Earth during the past century in numbers significant enough to affect the development of many nations on Earth--especially technological nations such as Germany, the United States, England, and Russia. Atlanteans embarked on a project that took more than 100 of our current years to complete. Far from their Atlantean homelands in a region they knew to be safe from the Earth changes-- they built a time capsule--a message to help future humans understand what had happened. They knew the mistakes they had made for themselves at that time. But it was too late to stop the destruction, for the greater Earth changes had already come, destroying their homelands and the great civilizations they had built.
They knew earth changes would surely happen again, as the precession reached its apex once more, 13,000 years hence. They built their time capsule to last--to warn future generations in time to avoid the mistakes the Atlanteans made, and save civilization from destruction. The Atlantean time capsule was not merely a building but a "machine" of sorts--and instrument which could foretell when the same fate would come to those of the future-- the people of the 20th century. This is the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt.
The Great Pyramid was constructed over 12,500 years ago. It is an Atlantean instrument conceived by Ra, a priest from the land of Dar, and engineered by Thoth (Hermes) from Atlantis. Construction was carried out by a work force of native Egyptians and the black races of people known as the Nubians and Zuleans who occupied the east and west banks of the southern Nile River.
If the cycle is to repeat --the changes will come swiftly and without warning. In Atlantis 95% of the population was lost to the waters.
Going back in time some 225,000 years-as time is reckoned from the present--we meet the entity Om, the great leader of an ancient race known as At-el, preparing to meet not only his own destiny but the destiny of the world. Living in the region we now know as Tibet, the At-el are primitive by our standards. They are a brave and noble culture of hunter-gathers, small in stature, compared to the race of giants who dominate the Earth at this time.
The At-el have skin the color of bronze, with deep penetrating eyes, that are black or gray. They are similar in appearance to the Native Americans that lived in the Mississippi basin at the turn of our 18th century. They stand, on average, only about 5 and 1/2 feet tall, though their heads are larger, even, than ours today.
The At-el people lived in small family clans that banded together, making up the single tribe. These clans have evolved directly from soul groups--entities who are reincarnated lifetime after lifetime into the same families--though to be sure, new souls do enter, so the clans continue to grow in size, over time, and new clans are often created.
During this time in Earth's history, the consciousness of humanity is much different than ours today. Where today our individual memories are built up in us from birth, such is not the case with At-el, for they are a group-memory race of people. Each member of each At-el clan is deeply connected to their specific soul group incarnate. The total memories of the clan are accessible to each individual in the clan, and is from birth. As each clan member experiences new things, these are added-- or remembered --within the collective consciousness of the clan.
Individual thought is also present in the At-el people, but only as it interacts with their share of memories. The group-memory of each clan flows and swells constantly - each experience is accessible to all, and owned by no one.
Now, the collective memories of one clan--or soul group-- of the At-el can not be felt or seen by those in other clans, except for the rare individual who has the gift of this unusual ability. The entity Om is such a person, and as such, he is considered to be a leader of the people. With his great knowledge and memory of all the clans, he may speak for the tribe to mother Earth, and to all the elements, which the At-el see as Gods.
It is during the festival dedicated to the element fire-- on the 10th full moon in the 13 lunar months of the At-el year - that Om will experience something like no other At-el, indeed, like no other entity on Earth, has ever experienced at a festival, or anywhere else for that matter. At festival time, the collective joyful memories are often induced amongst clan members, not unlike our experience of sharing an album of family pictures with friends and family, laughing together and remembering the good times had by all. The whole tribe congregates at festival time, creating, for once, a new experience of love and joy that can be shared by everyone.
For the 'celebration of fire', the largest hut --the At-el temple--is set up to receive the congregation, and a large stone altar is placed in the center. Wood and crushed stones have been prepared the previous day, and are now placed into the stone basin at the foot of the altar and lit.
The leader, Om, enters the altar area, and begins his dancing and chanting. It is in this manner that Om usually leads the tribe to dance and chant and after some time signals the rest to join with him. As the chanting increases in power, Om begins to receive visions from the 'collective memories' of all the clans present. When Om receives these memories at the festival, he is able to pass them on to others-- his visions become their visions. This is taught by the At-el's to be a gift from their Gods, the great elements.
At this particular festival of fire, Om dances and chants, and as the others join in, the air is thick with the images and joyful memories that flow from clan to clan throughout the festival circle, and a great happiness comes over all of those in attendance.
For even when an At-el memory contains negative images, it is always interpreted as positive in the end. Even in facing death, a clan member is seen to be overcoming obstacles through his or her strength, bravery, or stealth. And back through the generations of the clans, each act is remembered with fierce pride and good feelings.
As the images begin to fade this time, something startling happens. Om begins to receive new memories--memories foreign to him and all of the clan of At-el. Those who share his thought cry out, because they do not understand what they are seeing. The joyous dancing and chanting stops abruptly. These visions are not from the group memories at all! These are images of places and people never seen before - these are not of the At-el.
Nothing like this has ever happened before, and for once, the At-el are afraid. Some of the people run from the temple. Others stand motionless, tears running down their faces. Many look to Om for guidance. Where had these visions come from? What are they? Om, does not know, but he is not afraid. His strength clams the people who witness it, and this spread-- as group-memory--to the rest of the clan's people. And one by one those who remained, slowly back away from Om and out of the temple.
After the festival, the tribe goes on with daily life as if nothing has occurred. The memory of what happened has been stored away in the clan's consciousness - safely out of mind until invoked at some future festival, when once again that which is not of one's own soul group may be shared by all. Only Om is left with the strange vision still lingering in his mind. And like all wise leaders, he is thoughtful, and waits.
One lunar cycle having passed, the next festival commences-- the festival of air. As he has many times before, Om begins the celebration by chanting and dancing. The group-memories come to him, as always, and the others begin to experience the shared imagery of the tribe. This time, however--just as it occurred during the festival of Fire--images of strange people, their lands, and their homes fill the minds of the At-el clans people. As the vision unfolds, they recognize Om in the foreign place, and witness the strange, tall people bowing down to him--a symbol of respect for his power-- and the fear that had been presented in the clans is gone.
With this experience, a new seed of consciousness has evolved, not only in At-el, but in all the races of the world. For time is not linear, but circular; memory is not only a link to the past, but to the future as well. From this point forward, each clan member would be able to recall events yet to come--through Om's connection--and thereby become part of his new memory. Om does not understand entirely what is occurring, but now that he has seen himself in the images, he knows that what he has seen is the future, not an alternate past, and that he must be patient to learn what to do next. It is his job to lead his people forward, to meet the strangers in the dream visions,and so meet with his destiny.
The temple is prepared for the water celebration, and a large stone bowl is placed in the center of the hut. Water from the mountain streams has been placed in the basin, and the ceremonial ladles, carved of wood, rests along side it. From these ladles, each clan member will drink to the element water, sharing in its bounty.
Om enters the altar and begins his dance and chant. A strange look comes over him, and all those in attendance watch him with curiosity. No one joins in. As Om continues to dance, his chanting voice filling the temple, images unlike any he has seen before once again flood his mind. Quiet and motionless, all of the people of the clans of At-el share his sight. Om sees some of the tall, almost giant people of his two previous visions, and a strange building that seems to move and sway on a great body of water such as never been witnessed by the At-el.
Om is present once again, and he lives in the floating building with the giant people. There are many At-el present too. Abruptly, the vision changes and the large entity wearing clothing totally foreign in style speaks to Om. He says that Om is now about to embark on a now marvelous quest. Once completed, his journey will enable all of the world to enter an age of joyful coexistence, and the great elements will be in harmony with all tribes everywhere.
The entity in Om's vision instructs him to take half the At-el tribe---1,555 clans people---on a journey that will lead to a new land located in the middle of a great sea. In order to do this, however, they must first travel far into the west, to an unknown land called Zu.
There they are to meet a strange-looking people who sometimes live in even stranger-looking buildings that move upon the water. Upon arriving in Zu, situated on the coast of what we now call the Arabian Sea, Om will meet the leader of the Zu people, and from there he and the At-el who traveled with him will be guided to the new land.
Om and his followers leave on the next lunar cycle, at the time of the festival of Earth. It is the height of the celebration, but Om is not presiding. The evolution of consciousness has already begun, and there are now others to lead the chanting and dancing for those that are left behind. It is understood that this parting is joyous, and the clans that are staying behind wish well to the ones who are going away. The travelers set out of their homeland on foot, under a full moon. Years will pass before they reach their destination.
The summer zenith and a bright, full moon usher Om, and his surviving followers into the foreign land they seek. At the coast, they are met by the Zulean people of the visions. They are a tall, black-skinned people, with high foreheads, deeply recessed penetrating brown eyes, and large lips. The colossal Olmecs statues--still found in the world today--closely resemble the ancient race of Zu.
Although the Zu are at first fearful of the strange visitors, Om and the other At-el clans people are quickly welcomed into the Zu culture. The leader of the Zu, called Un Towee, has experienced a prophecy describing Om and his followers, and instructs him to aid them when they arrived.
The Zu are a kind and loving, family-oriented people, who live by the sea in a large colony. Beautiful gardens dot the landscape, and children everywhere are engaged in a game using long, thin stick and a hard ball made for the sap of large tress found in the surrounding hillsides. The sport is to hit the ball into a ring fixed on a pole at the center of each game site. Compared to the harsh terrain of the At-el homeland, this is a lush land.
Om and Un Towee find between themselves and instant kinship, and plans are quickly made for the journey ahead. While six full cycles of the moon come and go, the Zu--experienced seafarers and boat builders--construct a large sailing vessel for Om and his tribe. The ship, a yawl by today's definition, can carry all of Om's people, plus a contingency of 13 Zuleans--one for each month of the year. These 13 are chosen to accompany the At-el as navigators and sailors, and to discover with them this still unknown New World.
On the first new moon, at the exact moment the darken moon reaches its highest point in the sky, Om and his shipmates set sail for the narrow body of water we now call the Red Sea. At this point, it must be understood that the world of Om's time is geographically much different than our own. From the Red Sea, it is possible to navigate directly into what we call the Mediterranean, and then on into the great Atlantic Ocean, where the land that is the final destination of his vision inspired quest lies waiting.
Six lunar months after their departure, the explorers pass into thestraits, today called Gibraltar, and head due west. With the sun rising behind the ship in the morning of the next full moon, theZulean lookout sights land and calls out to those down below.
Om and his people crowd to the railing to behold the distant shoreof a mighty continent. Today all that remains of this great land are the tiny islands we know as the Azores.When the ship reaches its destination and drops anchor some 500 yards from the shore, all aboard--Zuleans and At-el alike--await the next high tide so that they may disembark. They prepare themselves for landing in this new uncharted land bypraying, and by purifying themselves with smoke and oil-baths.
At high tide, they put shore in long boats. On the beach, they conduct a ceremony in reverse to the element water; and as Om and his people are from the land of the At-al, they name this new land At-el-an.
Ec-Kar is a fifth-level initiate, High Priest of the Educational Presidium, and teacher at the most famous University of Atlantis - Ata-Ruumn. It located on the coast of the city of Poseidia. Poseidia is one of the five large island kingdoms of Atlantis. It is known for its riches, culture, and temples of wisdom. Thousands arrive daily to but, sell, and trade goods, and to attend cultural activities.
He is a man in his eighteenth cycle - each cycle consists of seven years. He is short for Atlantean, standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall, has bronze colored skin, balding head, ad a long white beard. He wears white robes and papyrus-reed sandals. He is telepathic and can manifest before his students at will.
Lesson one:
The 'Hall of Ages' where Ec-kar has taught his students about their Atlantean heritage and origins.
Lesson two:
In the 'Hall of Sciences' - Ec-kar has taught collective thought.
Lesson three: Lemuria
Ec-kar's students consider Lemuria their Motherland. He teaches them that it was in Lemuria that the colonization of Atlantis first began. The Lemurians were like thought projections, not physically solid. It made them higher in frequency and closer to the Creator's energy vibration level. Their souls came to Earth to experience the physical vibration. They were large in stature, about nine feet tall. Their skin had an aqua cast changing from blue to green in conjunction with two seasonal cycles each year. Their faces were elongated and oval. Their eyes were large with lids running vertically. The texture of their skin was slightly scaly. They breathed through their skin, not lungs. The temperature of the planet, the atmosphere, the light and the orbits of the other planets were much different then. The first Lemurians were androgynous, neither male nor female.
It all began with the projection of 144 soul groups - representing the projection of 33 million souls. Some of the souls came from the 'Red Planet'.
Some groups chose water, some the plant, mineral, or animal kingdoms. The greater experiments were with the animal kingdom as this realm allowed for longer life spans and greater mobility. The Earth had giants and elves. Some came from the stars and projected into physical form, Pleiades and Sirius. They came in space craft different than those of the Atlanteans, called Valix.
Lesson four:
The Creator formed all souls in his image, as spiritual beings. As the souls reached out to experience different realities they began to define themselves by groups, according to their particular experience. Within this structure each soul group had the ability to chose the physical form it wished to express. Once a soul group was chosen, the soul groups were able to increase their numbers by replicating themselves, much as a single celled life-form divides again and again. Each cell remains a portion of, and a duplicate of, the original.
Ec-Kar teaches that the Earth has seen many civilizations - some of who have come from other worlds to learn and experience.
Lesson Five: Hall of Images
A virtual-reality library where all Atlantean history may be accessed as holographic imagery.
The sea fills the Halls of Ata-Ruumn, bringing with it the aroma of fresh oranges, just delivered by-transport from the colonies. Students move briskly through the corridors, disappearing into respective halls. Ec-kar's pupils wait at the entrance to the Hall of Images. At the appointed time, their teacher arrives, and they follow him silently into the Hall.
It is a huge room--a perfect cube, one hundred feet in every direction--and fashioned from limestone blocks. Ec-Kar bows gently to his students, acknowledging their presence, and moves directly to a control instrument on one side of the great room. Without a word, he places his hands over a panel carved with strange symbols his students have never seen before.
He selects one of the symbols and passes his small chubby hands over it; an expectant silence fills the Hall. Following Ec-kar's gaze they turn towards the center of the room, watching as the bright clear light gradually appears in the empty air at the middle of the space. As the light grows in intensity, colors appear and radiate outward, up to the ceiling, - a hundred feet high - and out to the walls, bathing the students and Ec-Kar in a rainbow glow. In a matter of seconds the light disappears, suddenly replaced by what appears to be an enormous, and very solid, dome-shaped structure.
Some of the students turn towards their teacher questioningly unable to accept what is occurring. Others just stare. The dome is a golden vision, slowly rotating, as if barely floating above the floor. The massive structures seems immovable; yet, it has materialized from thin air and it spins, propelled by an unseen force. To these students, many from less advanced cultures of their regions, what appears before them is unbelievable. For here in the grand Hall of Images, is the secret of Atlantis' power - the Dome of Light.
Ec-Kar moves slowly towards the dome, and upon reaching it, turns to face his class. "My friends, the purpose of our visit to the Hall today is to prepare you for a different type of journey than any of you have ever experienced. At our last meeting, I said that you would have an opportunity to recall your soul's journey through many lifetimes. But in order for this to occur, you must first be well-prepared for such a journey - just as many of you prepared for your travels from the distant lands you call home to At-Ruumn."
Ec-Kar is standing only a few feet from the Dome of Light. Although the class now understands that the dome is only a holographic image, it still looks very real, and the size of it - hovering as it does behind Ec-kar - seems rather menacing, dwarfing their teacher's otherwise imposing stature.
He continues. "For thousands of years, the Dome of Light has enabled our land to enjoy its great riches. And while we have shared many of the fruits derived from this technology with those outside our land, we cannot share its specific engineering principles. Shortly, you will understand why. But, in order to comprehend what I am about to share with you, you will need to stretch your minds to accept possibilities which are, perhaps, beyond your wildest imaginings.
"Let us begin today's lesson. For every energy there is an equal and opposite energy. Just, as the day brings light, the opposite is true for night. Now, between light and dark there is a neutral, or transference point. It is within this transference point that the secret technology of the Dome of Light may be found.
Let us look at one of Nature's marvelous examples of the energy transference, gravity. The Earth receives various emanations from the sun and sends back to the sun its opposite force. The gravity we all take for granted on Earth is one effect of the rays moving through the sun - Earth continuum.
"The Dome of Light works in a similar fashion by capturing and holding the energy at the moment of transference between star energy and its converted opposite. The captured energy is stored in containment chambers buried deep beneath the Dome to use any way we choose."
Ec-Kar pauses, to see that the class understands, before he continues.
"Through the tuning devices we use aboard our Valix craft, and in our homes and buildings, the Dome of Light transmits the power generated via ultraviolet waves, thus propelling our ships, cooling and heating our cities, or allowing for communications. The power is immediately transferred, whatever the need. However, there is a dark side to this great invention as well, for it is also a weapon of imaginable power.
"Now, please observe that the dome is golden in color. It is constructed from poured granite and lined with an organic material capable of containing the enormous energies accumulated inside.
"Watch now what happens to the top portion of the dome."
Ec-Kar returns to the panel, makes an adjustment at the controls, and the image reacts. Slowly, an opening appears in the top center of the dome and a green light flow into it from above.
"You are now viewing the Dome of Light in operation. I this way, it captures the solar emanations within its field.
The students watch the hologram in amazement, as Ec-kar continues his lessons.
"The reason we are here is not only to introduce you to Atlantean technology, but to let you experience another benefit of this great power - soul travel.
Together, as time- travelers, we will now return to a period of history when this Dome of Light was used to create what - even now - you would consider miracles. Realize that these 'miracles' are still possible today, but due to your caste system they are not available to any of you, your families, or indeed your countries. In fact, even my own caste position enforces certain restrictions pertaining to this technology. This is simply the way of things.
"While relatively small, the image of the Dome that you now look upon represents, nevertheless, a power source unequaled on our planet. This technology is trusted only to those in the Energy Ministry caste. Since its invention, it has brought both miracles, and destruction to not only our land, but the world. I tell you this, my friends, so that you may understand that with power comes responsibility - one that we as a nation did not always follow."
A student raises her hand.
"Yes, Ma-Riel?"
"I have observed the Valix craft many times, and that is does not have an operator of any type. How can this be? And how is it that it runs so silently, floating above the ground as it does? Those my from country say it is magic, and that the Atlantean magicians are to be feared."
Ec-Kar moves closer to the class as he responds. "Ma-Riel, that which is misunderstood often creates fear. 'Magic' is merely a way of explaining what is feared . . .the unknown."
"How does the Valix, the people-transporter, work?" asks Ma-Riel.
Ec-Kar responds, "The Valix, and indeed all Atlantean technologies, operate through the Dome of Light. Each transport-vessel draws energy from the nearest Dome. Once accessed, power is transferred to the 'motivational instruments' inside the Valix craft. Amplifiers are embedded throughout the outer skin of the vessel, and these circuits create an opposing gravitational force that interacts with the Earth. This lifts the craft. For most uses, the Valix are automated and follow preprogrammed routes. No operator is required."
Jalaum for the Ur, raises his hand and asks, "Ec-Kar, is there a distance limit for the transporters?"
"For ground transports, remote operation is possible to the horizon. For air transports, the outer atmosphere is the only limitation for the ring of the Domes created in our land serve as a network. Each contains the others."
"The Dome of light was originally designed to communicate with intelligences existing in alternative realities, and ultimately, with the Creator."
"Did this work?" asks another student.
"Yes. We were able to follow a departed Atlantean from the moment of his death to his next reality. We broke contact only just prior to his return to Earth in a new incarnation. You must realize that the Dome of Light, while it may appear to be a marvel to you, is simply an instrument that allows us to do what our ancestors accomplished with the power of only their minds. For in the early days of Earth, we were much closer to the Creator."
"What other ways is the Dome of Light used?" asks a pupil named Panter.
Ec-Kar gesturing to the east, says, "Though we are but a few minutes walk from the ocean here, the temperature outside is quite high today. Yet it is comfortable 70 degrees everywhere within these Halls! As I have shared, light has its opposite, and energy exists in both, so is the case in all Nature. Through a process called hysteresis, the temperature is controlled to a very fine degree. The same process is used in all Atlantean structures - from the Valix transporters, the homes and buildings."
"Are there educational uses? can the Dome make us smarter?" asks Du-Ta-Rahn.
"Intelligence is made up of ingredients, like a cake. Is it part genetic, part experience, part diet, part environment, and part soul-development. All of these parts, however, can be overridden by will. Your will. Do not ever allow yourself to be confused on this important point: whatever you will yourself to do or to be, you shall become. It is one of the divine laws of Nature.
"There are several educational uses for the Domes. Depending upon an individual's caste, for example, the Textile Ministry may allow for a robe of learning to be assigned. These are woven so as to make the wearer into a receiver. Information, which is beamed throughout the 'Dome network' each day by the Presidium, is amplified by the robe's fibers.
These couple directly with the body's neuro-pathways or meridians. The short-term memory zones are stimulated, and the information impresses upon them. If the wearer recalls a particular piece of that new information within the day, it is transferred to a middle-zone, and finally, the individual continues to work with the new information. If he does not work with it, it will fade, just as dreams do. For this is the same portion of the brain used by the souls to review its daily experiences, what we learn we must use, and practice, in order to keep it. Without practice, all wisdom is lost.
Long ago there was an planet called Atlantis which housed a civilization of highly evolved beings. Their planet was destroyed about 90,000 years ago. Many fled to Earth, living on the surface of the planet or above in spaceships. The population was approximately seven and a half million people.
Crystals played a major role in their lives. Atlanteans had many subterranean tunnels which contained giant fire crystals, their main source of power. These were quartz crystals - 20 feet tall X 8 feet in diameter - three crystals set in triangular patterns. Giant copper rods conducted energies from crystals creating a grid which had various purposes. Cities were domed with force fields of energies, set into place containing the vibrations of the atmosphere to the many large buildings. A main healing temple was circular with a 60 foot diameter. The domed ceiling contained dozens of crystals that were not so much used for healing and balance to ward off illness. A Temple of Sound was used to aligned the body's energy centers (chakras).
The Pyramids of Atlantis were three sided and generally made of crystals. They were used as antennas to draw and amplify energies from the universe. There were about 100 of these edifices. They were set up in various triangulation patterns all over the planet. They set a global grid work of magnetic energy dividing the planet into different geographic magnetic centers -for population concentration - and to hold the planet in its orbital path. Most of these pyramids, physically do not exist any more. Those that do exist are buried in different areas. The centers where the pyramids exist energetically draw people to them for magnetic initiation - a total alignment of etheric crystalline centers for healing. Pregnant women were placed in a chamber for 24 hours where a crystal sent information of a higher frequency to the fetus.
Children remained with their parents for the first two years of their lives. They were then taken to a central compound where they lived all together with group mothers who raised the children. All of the children got to play with all of the parents every day. There was no child abuse or feelings of lack of love. At adulthood children did not have guilt to care take parents. Psychologically parents and children were far more adjusted then they are today.
People lived in communities of attached homes, their design based on the use of the building and geometric construction. The tallest building was about 12-14 stories high. Healing centers were triangular in shape. Average buildings were 2-3 stories high. Communication was telepathic, verbal, or tones. Large quartz crystals often amplified the frequencies and vibrations.
When a person was old and their body could no longer function - they would lie down and go to sleep - never to wake again. That person's soul had peace in its relationship with God and understood that the soul would return. There was no fear of death. The physical body is nothing more than a manifesting consciousness tool of the soul. It is the vehicle through which the soul expresses. When the soul is finished what it is here to do it can leave. It is within our capacity to close our eyes and for the soul to leave. There is no reason to have prolonged illness and suffering. That is just part of the soul's fear of leaving.
Biogenetic experiments created mythological beings; mermaids, Cyclops, gargoyles, etc.
Duality existed. Negativity and pole shifts caused the downfall of Atlantis.
Francis Bacon's 1627 novel The New Atlantis describes a utopian society, called Bensalem, located off the western coast of America. A character in the novel gives a history of Atlantis that is similar to Plato's, and places Atlantis in America. It is not clear whether Bacon means North or South America.
In middle and late 19th century, several serious Mesoamerican scholars, starting with Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, and including Edward Herbert Thompson and Augustus Le Plongeon proposed that Atlantis was somehow related to Mayan and Aztec culture.
During the late 19th century, ideas about the mythical nature of Atlantis were combined with other lost continent myths such as Lemuria by popular figures in the occult and the growing new age phenomenon.
Helena Blavatsky, the Grandmother of the New Age movement, writes in The Secret Doctrine that the Atlanteans were cultural heroes (contrary to Plato who describes them mainly as a military threat), and are the fourth "Root Race", succeeded by the Aryan race.
In the 19th century Blavatsky gave impetus to the idea of an Atlantic continent running through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. She gave some brief history of its inhabitants, identified its location, the times of the sinking of the larger part of the continent, and the time of the last submergence of its principle remaining island. She also specified some land still in existence as land today that was part of Atlantis then. She gave various cultural arguments for its existence. The science of her day was quite inhospitable to the idea of a continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean because it was committed to the idea of extreme gradualism. It was Blavatsky who brought the attention of the western world to Atlantis. This has been almost entirely overlooked. Blavatsky mentioned Atlantis in her introductory book, Isis Unveiled published in 1877. The book was sold out on the first day of its release to the public.
Five years later Ignatius Donnelly published his well researched "Atlantis: Antediluvian world". He is usually given credit as the "Father of modern Atlantis research". No doubt from the close time connection, he was inspired by Blavatsky. She should be acknowledged as the inspiration of the modern Atlantis movement. In 1888 Blavatsky published her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine. This is a difficult work - but most seminal. It is encyclopedic. In it she gives many more details of Atlantis.
Her most specific comment showed a knowledge of the Ocean bottom unheard of by anybody in her time. Notably Challenger discovered the Mid-Atlantic ridge. At Tristan D'Hunca the ridge had become so small as to be undetectable by their method. Blavatsky asserted that if it could be traced further it would be found to continue around under Africa and up into the Indian Ocean. Today we have confirmed the Ridge continues exactly as she claimed as a tectonic plate boundary.
Blavatsky asserted that Atlantis had been centered on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. She said that Plato - as an initiate required by pledge to withhold certain information - had purposefully combined the older larger continent sized land mass with what was the remaining island. We see evidence of this combining if we examine the Greek and the English.
She also asserted that the larger land mass had extended over a much larger area and even reached from the Western Hemisphere to the African continent. So the recent discoveries of a possible Atlantis-style civilization off Cuba are included in her view of Atlantis. The discoveries in the Atlantic support her view. She asserted that references to Atlantis abound around the world's older nations. That was unexpected and highly "undocumented" in her time. Now those have been traced and found.
In 1940, Lewis Spence published the now classic "Shadow of Atlantis". Indeed Atlantis had cast its shadow just as she had claimed. In 1882, one of her teachers had written a letter to Sinnett and given the exact year of the sinking of Atlantis. It was 9,564 BC. Now, more than one century later, hard science has averaged together time estimates from many scientific sources and obtained a date that is very close to the date given in 1882. This scientific estimate is detailed in Cataclysm.
The Piri Reis Map enters into the controversy over Atlantis, especially in considering the view that Atlantis was in Antarctica. That map could only have been made with knowledge of how the Earth looks from a high altitude. Blavatsky had asserted that the Atlanteans know of flying machines and that knowledge of such machines had passed on to the Hindus. The odd fact of the high altitude of the Piri Reis maps confirms her statement. In the Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky had noted the relevance of "Phaeton" or "Typhon". Now the scientific evidence has placed very meaningful particular importance on these "myths". Blavatsky also asserted that there had been much prior civilization prior to Atlantis.
We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age. This will be succeeded by an age of light. Even now under our very eyes, the new Race or Races are preparing to be formed, and that is in America that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced. This Race will be altered in mentality and will move toward a more perfect spiritual existence.
That the periodical sinking and reappearance of mighty continents, now called Atlantean and Lemurian by modern writers, is not fiction will be demonstrated. It is only in the 20th century that portions, if not the whole, of the present work will be vindicated. A world destruction as happened to Atlantis 11,000 years ago... instead of Atlantis all of England and parts of NW European coast will sink into the sea, in contrast, the sunken Azores region, the Isle of Poseidonis, will again be raised from the sea. Lemuria was destroyed by fire. Atlantis was destroyed by water- the Flood and the destruction of the fourth race and of the last antediluvian monster-animals.
Aleister Crowley wrote an esoteric history of Atlantis, although this may be intended more as metaphor than as fact.
The concept of Atlantis also entered National Socialist (Nazi) theory through Theosophy and Anthroposophy. In 1938, Heinrich Himmler organized a search in Tibet to find a remnant of the white Atlanteans. According to Julius Evola (Revolt Against the Modern World, 1934), the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans - Nordic supermen who originated on the North pole. Similarly, Alfred Rosenberg (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930) spoke of a "Nordic-Atlantean" or "Aryan-Nordic" master race. (Nordic aliens)
According to Julius Evola (Revolt Against the Modern World, 1934), the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans, Nordic supermen, who originated on the North pole.
Similarly, Alfred Rosenberg (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930) spoke of a "nordic-atlantean" or "aryan-nordic" master race.
In the mid-1940s, J. R. R. Tolkien reshaped his legendarium to contain elements of an Atlantis myth . The Lord of the Rings (1954/5) contains only obscure references to this, and the myth was published only posthumously, in the Silmarillion (1977).
Jane Roberts' work also contains references to Atlantis.
Rudolf Steiner wrote of the cultural evolution of Atlantis.